Style & Winch Ltd

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Messrs. A. F. Style & Co., Medway Brewery, Maidstone, Kent. Brewers’ Journal 15th March 1898

Style & Winch Ltd, Medway Brewery, St Peter's Street, Maidstone, Kent.

The Medway Brewery was established by William Baldwin in 1799. Holmes & Style were listed in directories of 1870 and 1882. That partnership was dissolved in December 1883 and the company became A F Style & Co.

During the period 1887 to 1899, the brewery was substantially rebuilt and enlarged. The architect was William Bradford. Registered in March 1899 to merge A F Style & Co, and Edward Winch & Sons Ltd of Chatham with a total of 356 public houses. The Chatham Brewery was closed in 1899. Style & Winch were acquired by Barclay, Perkins & Co. Ltd in March 1929 with 600 tied houses. Ceased brewing 1965 and the brewery was demolished.

Acquisition History:

The Medway Brewery from "Kent Tells the World", 1933:

And now for a word or two about the Brewery itself. That great red brick pile on the bank of the Medway, close to the Maidstone Bridge, surmounted by one of the most famous weather vanes in England, the old brown beer jug and glass – it used to be a standing joke to point this out to strangers and ask them to guess the capacity in gallons; the guesses were always wrong, more or less, the height of the vane from the ground being so misleading – here is the correct answer. The jug, which is made of copper, stands 5 feet high and holds 108 gallons; the glass is nearly 3 feet and holds nine gallons.

An assortment of images of the brewery

Various artefacts, labels, etc

Some Style & Winch pubs

Entry in the Trade Mark Registry

Registration No  : 38,245
Description  : Decorated jug & glass
Date of Application  : 25/6/1884
Used Prior to 1875?  : NO