Brewery History Society: Links to other sites of interest
There are a great many fascinating beer and brewery related sites out there in cyberspace and we list a few of them here.
If you know of a site which you think should be included, or if you spot any links which no longer work, please email with details.
Association for British Brewery Collectables The society for anyone interested in collecting beer memorabilia. [1]
The Institute of Brewing & Distilling (IBD) The Institute of Brewing & Distilling is a members organisation dedicated to the education and training needs of brewers, distillers and those in related industries.
The Pub History Society The society for all pub queries.
Labologists Society The society for all collectors of beer bottle labels.
The Alton Bottle Collectors Club The society has monthly meetings; and two bottle collectors' fairs a year - usually in March and November. See their web site for details.
The British Beermat Collectors Society The society for beermat collectors.
The British Brewery Playing Card Society The essential society for all collectors of beer related playing cards.
The Inn Sign Society The society for those with an interest in inn signs. The object of the Society is to bring together those who hold a common interest in the inn sign generally and to provide them with a platform for the interchange of information and also help with their research.
Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS) The society specialising in ceramic tiles. Lots of pub pictures.
The Association for Industrial Archaeology The AIA is the national organisation for people who share an interest in Britain’s industrial past.
Guinness Collectors Club The place to look if you love Guinness collectables.
CAMRA The Campaign for Real Ale.
BHS Corporate Members: The Society's list of corporate members which in most cases provides links to their websites.
Batham's Brewery: The brewery website includes a PDF of John Richards' excellent history of this fine Black Country brewery.
Beeston Brewery & Samuel Theodore Bunning: A history of Beeston's brewery and maltings, including pub details.
William Butler & Co. Ltd, Springfield Brewery, Wolverhampton: Produced for the University of Wolverhampton, The Springfield Story is a PDF 'coffee table' book which includes the history of the brewery, and the story of the site's redevelopment. [15]
Davenport's Brewery, Birmingham: The brewery website includes history pages for Davenport's, Highgate and Dare's of Birmingham. Also a great selection of old TV adverts ("Beer at Home" etc).
Phipps Northampton Brewery Co: The website of Phipps Northampton Brewery Company, with good history pages.
Shepherd Neame, Faversham: The brewery website includes fascinating history pages. [18]
H & G Simonds Ltd, Reading: The story of the brewery.
Tolly Cobbold Brewery: Dedicated to the history of the Tolly Cobbold breweries and pubs.
Other sites with pub and brewing content
Brewery and Maltings Heritage: In 2011, the BHS and English Heritage jointly held a conference to consider ways forward for the conservation of historic breweries and maltings. Reports were produced to include information on all pre-1940 operating breweries, to compile a comprehensive list of historic brewery buildings (the computerised BHS Breweries Database), to consider the future of the industry's archives, and to undertake a national assessment on the industry, in the form of a Strategy for the Historic Industrial Environment report (SHIER).
CAMRA Heritage Pubs CAMRA's marvellous web site on historic pub interiors, including the National and Regional Inventories. Many of the pubs illustrate examples of brewery architecture from Victorian times to the 1970s; and of course many feature breweriana.
National Brewery Centre Originally opened as the Bass Museum in 1977. The National Brewery Centre is a world-class museum and visitor centre that celebrates Britain's proud brewing heritage and its influence on brewing techniques throughout the world: a special place in the home of brewing.
The National Brewery Heritage Trust The Trust (NBHT) is a non-profit making Company, limited by guarantee, and is committed to support the work of the National Brewery Centre Museum, in order to provide an exciting presentation of the archives and artefacts showing the history of Britain’s brewing heritage.
National Brewery Centre Archives Within the NBHT website, here is a direct link to their Archives site:
Quaffale An enthusiasts' site with comprehensive lists of UK breweries and brewery links, including new brewery openings.
The Beer Hunter Michael Jackson's Beer Hunter blog.
Zythophile 'Zee-tho-fyle', by Martyn Cornell, an award-winning blog about beer now and then, founded in 2007.
Shut up About Barclay Perkins Ron Pattinson's blog about beer, pubs and breweries.
Heritage Open Days "Heritage Open Days" is an annual event which celebrates England's fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to properties that are usually closed to the public or normally charge for admission. Hundreds of properties are open over a weekend in early September each year: check the web site to see if there are breweries or brewing-related sites open.
Barnard: The Noted Breweries of Great Britain and Ireland Good quality downloadable scans of all four volumes of Barnard (1889-1891). Note that these are very large files.
The Beer Academy The Beer Education Trust, which trades as the Beer Academy, offers a range of educational and training packages relating to brewing and retailing.
History Pin: Local Pub Histories A unique collection of local pub photographs across England, including the historic Charrington collection.
The pubs and breweries of Barton upon Humber, Barrow and New Holland Paul Gibsons's web site covering parts of North Lincolnshire.
Bradford beer and breweries Malcolm Toft's excellent Bradford beer and breweries web site.
The Canterbury Brewers Within T Machado's comprehensive web site on Canterbury history.
The Vanished Pubs of Chester A comprehensive and fascinating guide to Chester's old pubs and breweries.
Dover's Public House Archive Site Barry Smith and Paul Skelton's comprehensive listings of pubs and breweries in East Kent.
Gloucestershire Pubs Geoff Sandles' brilliant Gloucestershire pub History site. Not to be missed.
Hitchmough's Black Country Pubs Detailed histories of pubs and breweries in the Black Country.
Isle of Wight pub and brewery walks The Brewery History Society, the local branch of CAMRA, and local amenity groups and councils, have put together a series of self-guided walks which identify interesting pub and brewery sites, together with other aspects of local history. The website of the Isle of Wight branch of the Campaign for Real Ale allows you to download PDF versions of leaflets:
The Lost Pubs Project (AKA 'Closed Pubs') Archiving The Decline Of The English Pub.
Midlands Pubs Pubs, Breweries, Beer, Architecture, History and more. This extensive site covers much more than the English Midlands.
Pub Wiki Very detailed research on pub histories. Although initially concentrated on London pubs, they have expanded to include many other parts of the country. Click the left-hand menu "Show More Navigation" to see the full content.
Worthing Pubs Jimmy Hastell's Worthing Pubs site, which also features information about breweries in the vicinity.
Brewery Tour of Wrexham This small PDF document, produced by Wrexham County Borough Council, gives a short walking tour of the brewery sites in the town (no map included, unfortunately, and no date on the document).
Oast and Hop Kiln History Patrick Grattan's web site covering the history of oasthouses and hop kilns.
Richard Percival's Breweriana Richard Percival's website featuring excellent images of brewery trays and other breweriana.
Hotmog's Victorian Breweriana A site featuring Victorian porcelain beer-pump handles, beer engines, etc.
Darts history Patrick Chaplin's fascinating darts history site.
Beer Inn Print A vast range of books and other products relating to beer and brewing. Also the home of the BHS Bookshop.
Information sources and Archives
National Archives / Public Records Office (PRO) An essential source of information and material. See their search option. [51]
National Records of Scotland National Records of Scotland (NRS) was established in 2011, following the merger of the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS) and the National Archives of Scotland (NAS).
The Scottish Brewing Archive Association (SBAA) The SBAA exists to promote the history of brewing in Scotland, and assists Glasgow University Archive Services to answer brewing related queries. Glasgow University Archive Services is located at 13 Thurso Street, Glasgow G11 6PE.
Scottish Brewing Heritage This ambitious website, with much information about Scottish breweries and brewers, was conceived by members of the Scottish Brewing Archive Association to provide a permanent home for the non-archival material that is offered to the Scottish Brewing Archive and the Association..
The National Brewing Library The National Brewing Library at Oxford Brookes University is an English language collection relating to brewing, distilling, other alcoholic beverages and dependent trades. The collection aims to be the primary and most comprehensive souce of information in the UK, on the scientific, technological, historical and social aspects of the above. Located at Gipsy Lane, Oxford OX3 0BP. An article about the NBL appeared in BHS Journal 116 (Autumn 2004).
Historical Street Directories The University of Leicester's collection of scanned trade directories for England and Wales, covering the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.
History of Advertising Trust (HAT) HAT’s collections contain many relevant sources of interest to brewery history researchers. These include books and point of sale material, such as labels and beer mats, beer advertising campaigns and campaign case studies and thousands of press advertising proofs and TV commercials; also a set of bound Brewers’ Journals (albeit incomplete in the early years), magazines such as the Brewers’ Guardian and various company reports and histories.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 56,000 biographies of people who shaped the history of the British Isles and beyond, from the earliest times to the year 2003. A special focus of the 2007 update is the addition of 20 new biographies on some of Britain’s best-known brewers and distillers, which supplement the Oxford DNB’s existing coverage of 100 biographies of manufacturers of alcoholic drinks. The ODNB is available on subscription, and in most public libraries.
British History Online British History Online is the digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, they aim to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research.
A Vision of Britain Through Time An information resource for Britain between 1801 and 2001 - including lots of historical maps, statistics and historical descriptions.
Photographic and film collections
Flickr [62] Sponsored by Ordnance Survey, the Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland.
Google Photos
Leodis Leodis is an online photographic archive containing images of Leeds, managed by Leeds Library and Information Service.
Picture The Past A photographic collection covering Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, managed by the library services in the area.
28 Days Later An 'Urban Exploration' web site which features some fascinating photographs of abandoned brewery sites.
British Pathé 220,000 historical film clips.
YouTube Hundreds of film clips about breweries and brewing.
The National Library of Scotland The National Library of Scotland website provides complete online coverage of (out of copyright) maps throughout Great Britain (and some of Ireland) on a minimum scale of 6 inches to the mile and very often in much larger scales, first via zoomable sheet by sheet [70] (link goes to maps of sheets, chose scales from menu) ...
... and second as continuous draggable and zoomable ("georeferenced") sheets [71] (link goes to 1 inch sheet, choose larger scales from menu)
These are quite complex but very rewarding pages, for example the georeferenced maps have a slider to show 'underlying' modern aerial imagery, and it is worthwhile taking time to understand how they function.
The NLS is a national deposit library for publications from the whole of Great Britain and viewing the historic maps is entirely without charge.
Alan Godfrey Old Maps The Alan Godfrey reprints of old maps.
Google maps Street maps and aerial photographs.
[73] Bing (was MultiMap) - Street maps and aerial photographs, including "birds-eye views".
[74] Street maps.
OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, free to use under an open licence.