Brewery History Wiki:About

The Brewery History Society was founded in April 1972 to bring together people with a common interest in the history of brewing, to stimulate research and to encourage the interchange of information. To this end members receive a quarterly Journal - Brewery History - which contains articles about brewers and breweries from as early a date as possible as well as more up-to-date news of mergers, take-overs and new small breweries.
Meetings are held in different parts of the country at which members can get together for a chat and a pint or two and occasional visits to breweries are arranged.
The Society has an Archivist whose responsibility it is to safeguard the books and research material acquired by the Society. He will endeavour to answer specific enquiries from both members and the general public, or will pass them on to the appropriate County Archivist. These are volunteers who take responsibility for correlating research within their own area whilst liaising with the Archivist. A Photographic Collection is maintained to which members are encouraged to donate copies of their own photographs. Copies of photographs in the collection may be purchased. The Society also maintains a Book Shop which holds a large stock of new and second-hand books on beer and brewing.
Upon joining, new members will receive a copy of the Journal, membership card, a list of fellow members and their interests, a copy of the Rules and Constitution and current Book Shop list.
- Further details may be obtained from the Brewery History Society web site:
- For more information on the Society's brewing related publications please visit