Chaplin & Co. Ltd

Chaplin & Co. Ltd, Front Street, Harlow, Essex.
Founded 1832.
Acquired by Barclay, Perkins & Co. Ltd. January 1926 with 25 tied houses.
Buildings now demolished.
From ESSEX BREWERS - The Malting and Hop Industries of the County by Ian P Peaty 1992 now out of print ISBN 978 1 873966 02 4
This brewery has been variously listed as being at Front Street, Fore Street and High Street, the earliest date being 1832.
In this year Thomas Chaplin was also noted as a maltster. He traded under his own name until 1887, when it became Chaplin and Company trading to 1924. Two years later, it was formed into a limited company and was taken over by Barclay, Perkins & Co. Ltd. of London, and brewing ceased.
The entire range of buildings were demolished and the area is now residential. although opposite its location is a malthouse converted into leisure purposes use. The twenty-five licensed houses were sold with the brewery which was last listed in 1926. "The Green Man Stores" of Barclay Perkins and Company Ltd. were listed in 1937, suggesting that the brewery was demolished after this date.