The Brewery History SocietyBHS Diary: Meetings, Visits and Events |
The BHS arranges a number of meetings and other events for its members throughout the year. These are listed in the Diary below, which also includes previous meetings in order to let non-members get a feel for our activities. For upcoming visits, please contact the person indicated to book a place. Entries marked * are not organised by the BHS. See also our page Regular Events. Please note that it is the responsibility of members and their guests taking a BHS arranged visit to organise their own insurance cover. Wear suitable footwear for maltings and brewery visits. The buildings may be several storeys high with no lifts. Floors are often wet and uneven. Town walks and touring such premises are not recommended for any persons with disabilities or heart conditions. The BHS supports sensible drinkaware policies.This page updated 21 March 2024. |
2024 | |
Thursday 29 February 2024 1.15pm |
BHS visit to Robinson's Brewery, Apsley Street, Stockport SK1 1JJ.
Robinsons is undergoing a major programme of change including a move of its brewing operation from the historic Unicorn Brewery site to a new brewhouse in nearby Bredbury. We have an opportunity to take a tour of the old site before things start to change in May. |
Wednesday 3 April 2024 2.00pm |
BHS visit: Staines Walk and Tour of Thames Side Brewery
We meet at 2pm at the Old Red Lion, Leacroft, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 4PB. Join us for an informal afternoon stroll around the historic brewing landmarks of Staines (including the substantial remains of two Victorian breweries and other interesting local sites) followed by a visit to Thames Side Brewery. Tony Fox-Griffith will be our guide and the brewery visit will be conducted by Andy Hayward, owner and head brewer. |
Monday 15 April to Friday 19 April 2024 |
BHS overseas visit to Antwerp and Bruges
Planning for the 3-day trip to Belgium is now well advanced and in collaboration with Crookham Travel, we have developed a full programme that we hope everyone will enjoy. We will be travelling independently to meet up on Monday 15th at a local restaurant in central Antwerp for an evening ‘Welcome Meal’. Tuesday 16th will be a day spent in the city, exploring the historic quarter. Wednesday 17th sees us venture further afield by coach to three of Antwerp Province’s most interesting breweries: Het Anker, Duvel Moortgat and Bosteels. Each will include a guided tour and a chance to sample their products. On Thursday 18th we are planning an excursion to Bruges by train for the day. This will include a tour of the De Halve Mann brewery in central Bruges. On Friday 19th we will return home (or later for those who wish?). All travel arrangements, hotel bookings and tour costs will be the responsibility of the individual. |
Wednesday 15 May 2024 2.30pm |
BHS visit to Wensleydale Brewery, Unit 4, Badger Court, Harmby Road, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 5BF.
Thursday 16 May 2024 From 11.00am |
BHS AGM at T&R Theakston Ltd, The Brewery, Masham, North Yorkshire HG4 4YD.
Meet at the White Bear, Wellgarth, Masham HG4 4EN. The AGM will take place at Noon, followed by a buffet lunch and a short talk by Simon Theakston on the history of the brewery. Mid-afternoon, we will tour Theakston's Brewery, including their cooperage, followed by sampling. For those wanting to, Simon has offered to take us on a short History of Masham Walk (weather permitting) pointing out its brewing-related landmarks. |
Friday 17 May 2024 11.00am |
BHS visit to Black Sheep Brewery, Wellgarth, Masham, North Yorkshire HG4 4EN. There will be a small charge for this tour.
Wednesday 26 June 2024 10.00am |
BHS visit to Sam Smith Old Brewery, High Street, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire LS24 9SB.
Wednesday 18 September 2024 11.00am |
BHS visit to Felinfoel Brewery Company Ltd, Farmers Row, Felinfoel, Llanelli SA14 8LB.
Wednesday 2 October 2024 11.00am |
BHS visit to Wells & Co Brewpoint, Cut Throat Lane, Bedford MK41 7FY.
2023 | |
Thursday 20 April 2023 12 noon |
BHS visit to All Saints Brewery, 22 All Saints Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2PA This historic brewery, formerly Melbourn Brothers, now produces Sam Smith's range of fruit beers. Our visit is hosted by Gavin Scoreby of Sam Smith's. |
Wednesday 19 July 2023 2.30pm |
BHS visit to Arkell's Brewery, Kingsdown Brewery, Hyde Road, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 7RU. |
Thursday 20 July 2023 From 10.30am |
BHS 2023 AGM at Wadworth's Brewery, Northgate Brewery, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1JW.
Friday 21 July 2023 11.00am |
11am-1pm: BHS visit to Warminster Maltings, 39 Pound Street, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 8NN. |
2022 | |
Saturday 14 May 2022 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: Chiswell Street to St Pancras. |
Saturday 2 July 2022 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: Southwark Bridge to Tower Bridge. |
Wednesday 13 July 2022 From 6.30pm |
Urban Walk of Burton-upon-Trent. With refreshment stops.
Thursday 14 July 2022 From 10.30am |
BHS AGM at the National Brewery Centre, Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent, DE14 1NG.
Friday 15 July 2022 From 11.00am |
BHS visits to Tower Brewery and Burton Bridge Brewery, Burton-upon-Trent.
Saturday 23 July 2022 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: Tottenham High Road. |
Saturday 13 August 2022 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: The East End of London. |
Saturday 10 September 2022 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: South-West London. |
Thursday 29 September 2022 1.00pm |
BHS visit to Sambrook's Brewery, 1 Bellwether Lane, The Ram Quarter, Wandsworth SW18 1UD The heritage brewery tour, led by John Hatch, begins at 1.00pm, but members are welcome to arrive early for a bite and a beer in the visitor centre. There is a charge for this tour. |
Saturday 8 October 2022 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: The West End of London. |
2021 | |
Thursday 7 October 2021 From 12 noon |
Urban Walk, Weymouth. We precede our AGM with a walking tour of Weymouth. We meet at the Sailors Return pub on the quayside for a buffet lunch; then a walking tour of the Melcombe Regis side of the town. Crossing the bridge to the old town of Weymouth, we explore the many surviving buildings of John Groves and Devenish breweries, we visit the Town Museum (within Groves' brewery), and obtain refreshments at two historic pubs.
Friday 8 October 2021 12 noon |
Brewery History Society AGM at Palmer's Brewery, West Bay Road, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4JA. For those starting in Weymouth or Dorchester, in the morning we join a coach and explore the surviving buildings of Eldridge Pope brewery in Dorchester. From there to Bridport, and following the AGM we visit a Palmer's pub in West Bay.
Saturday 9 October 2021 |
Coach tour of brewing sites in Dorset. We join our coach in the morning at Weymouth, and our visits include the former A & T Sibeth's Crown Brewery at Fontmell Magna, Walton Elm Brewery in Marnhull, and Dorset Brewing Company's Jurassic Brewhouse.
2020 | |
Thursday 6 February 2020 6.30pm - 8.30pm |
The British Guild of Beer Writers and the BHS are jointly hosting a meeting to look at a project to add London's pub and brewery history on to the Layers of London interactive online resource. Upstairs at The Old Doctor Butlers Head, 2 Masons Avenue, Moorgate, London EC2V 5BT. Free to Guild and BHS members.
Tuesday 24 March 2020 12.00 noon |
BHS North-West Group meeting at George Shaw Brewery at Wincham in Cheshire.
It is hoped that brewing will be taking place on the day and the George Shaw Brewery Museum will be open from 12 noon for the serving of beers from this brewery. |
2019 | |
Wednesday-Thursday 13-14 March 2019 |
The BHS will be attending SIBA BeerEx UK at Exhibition Centre, Liverpool L3 4FP. See us at Stand 130.
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Thursday 11 April 2019 2pm |
BHS visit to Gadd's Brewery, The Ramsgate Brewery, 7 Pysons Road Industrial Estate, Hornet Close, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 2YD.
Friday 12 April 2019 11am for 12 noon |
Brewery History Society AGM at Shepherd Neame Brewery, 17 Court Street, Faversham, Kent ME13 7AX.
Wednesday 15 May 2019 11.30am |
BHS visit to Banks's Brewery, Brewery Road, Wolverhampton WV1 4JT. We meet at the Brewery Shop at 11.30am.
Friday 24 May 2019 From 8.45am |
Joint event: Brewery History Society and the British Guild of Beer Writers. "Malt, Past, Present and Future". The Guild and the BHS are meeting at Norwich's City of Ale Festival for an in-depth seminar on beer's main ingredient. Start at Norwich Station at 8.45am. Tickets are £15.
Saturday 25 May 2019 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk to Southwalk. Southwark Bridge to Tower Bridge (the Hop Exchange, Courage and a non-beer brewery).
Saturday 22 June 2019 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: Barbican to St Pancras. Whitbread, Cannon Brewery, etc.
Wednesday 10 July 2019 2pm |
BHS visit to Bateman's Brewery, Wainfleet, Lincolnshire.
Saturday 13 July 2019 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: Vauxhall to Chelsea. New London, Chelsea Brewery, etc. This 'walk' includes public transport.
Saturday 27 July 2019 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: North London: Seven Sisters to Tottenham. Wooldridge, Grippers and a Fremlin intrusion.
Saturday 5 October 2019 |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: East End of London. Ken will guide us round the sites of Charrington, Manns and Truman, plus a couple of minor players - and of course there is Jack the Ripper, the Elephant Man, Reggie Kray, and even Winston Churchill!
Saturday 12 October 2019 From 11.30am |
* The Labologists Society's flagship event - Label of the Year 2019. Held at Southwold Arts Centre, close to Adnams Brewery. Not only labels, but also beermats, brewery playing cards and other breweriana. Paul Travis of Beer-In Print will have a bookstall selling brewery related publications and the Brewery History Society will also be represented. For more information, visit:
Saturday 19 October 2019 From 10.30am |
* CAMRA's 34th annual National Breweriana Auction at Burton on Trent Town Hall (DE14 2EB). Apart from the auction, which commences at noon, there will be a number of stalls selling brewery memorabilia. Plus beer of course!
Wednesday 30 October 2019 2.00pm |
BHS visit to Windsor & Eton Brewery, 1 Vansittart Estate, Windsor SL4 1SE.
Tuesday 26 October 2019 7.00pm |
* 'Lubrication in Moderation': On the trail of Ye Ancient Order of Frothblowers in West Sussex. A talk by Dr David Muggleton. This talk examines the presence of the AOFB in West Sussex, arguing that beer drinking during this period was a powerful beacon of national identity, evoking notions of British liberty and the rights of the middle-ranking freeborn Englishman. At West Sussex Record Office, 3 Orchard Street, Chichester, PO19 1DD.
2018 | |
Tuesday 20 March 2018 7.15pm |
* Wem Civic Society meeting at Chapel Street, Wem, Shropshire. Open Forum led by BHS member Stan Platt; Shelagh and Oliver Richardson: Breweries Past and Present - Herefordshire to N Wales via Shropshire. Starts at 7.15 pm - moderate charge. |
Thursday 22 March 2018 11.00am |
BHS visit to Wrexham Lager Brewery, 42 St Georges Crescent, Wrexham LL13 8DB.
We meet at 11.00am at the Brewery Gate for a brewery tour to view Processing, Packaging and Laboratory. A presentation from Martyn Jones from Wrexham Lager Brewery: Martyn is now a consultant microbiologist and was previously the MP for Clwyd South and bought the rights of Wrexham Lager from Carlsberg for £1. Know your CAMRA - Ian Ogden; Wrexham Lager Brewery Past and Present; Lager Tasting. The visit is expected to finish at about 1.30pm, and those attending should make their own arrangements for refreshment after the visit. |
Saturday 24 March 2018 11.00am |
Shanklin: Historic Beer Walk
A walk around Shanklin on the Isle of Wight exploring the historic brewing and pub heritage of this town. Our guide is local activist and history expert, Richard Priest. We start at Shanklin Railway Station at 11.00am. Those arriving early may wish to gather in the nearby Falcon Inn on Regent Street, just down the road from the station. See also: |
Tuesday 10 April 2018 11.00am to 12 noon |
* Buckinghamshire Beer & Brewing. One of a series of free talks about records held at the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies, County Hall, Aylesbury HP20 1UU. |
Tuesday 24 April 2018 to Saturday 28 April 2018 |
BHS overseas visit to BUDAPEST
We are proposing to meet on Tuesday evening at a city centre restaurant which sells local beer. On Wednesday, we are hoping to visit a modern microbrewery; and then we will visit the historic Dreher Sörgyárak brewery. Anton Dreher was an Austrian brewer who was an important figure in the development of pale lager. In 1840, he invented a new style of beer that became known as the Viennese style, still one of the major beer-styles of Europe – his name lives on with the Hungarian brewery. On Thursday, we expect to visit a central specialist craft beer pub; and later the Kaltenberg brewpub, which was founded in the dying days of Communist rule by the German brewery of the same name. On Friday, there will be a visit to a 'Ruin Bar' which serves many interesting beers; and in the evening, a farewell meal in a city restaurant. Participants will travel to and from Budapest under their own arrangements, but hotel accommodation can be arranged. Return on the Saturday, or later if you wish. |
Sunday 3 June 2018 From 11.00 am |
* Tipplefair 2018. Tipplefair 2018 will be held at the Heron pub, Southfields Drive, Stanground, Peterborough PE2 8QB. Stallholders from 10am; customers from 11am. This is an essential event for all breweriana collectors.
Saturday 23 June 2018 From 12.00 noon |
BHS visit to Titanic Brewery, Burslem. We meet from 12 noon at the Bulls Head, 14 St Johns Square, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 3AJ. 10 minutes walk to the brewery for a tour. There will be a charge of £15.00 which includes a bowl of Lobby (stew) and three pints of Titanic Ale. Tour guide Mr Malcolm Hawksworth will then give a talk about his experiences running the Old Crown at Hesket Newmarket, the first Community pub in the country.
Friday 29 June 2018 1.30pm for 2.00pm |
BHS visit to Burning Sky Brewery, Place Barn, The Street, Firle, East Sussex BN8 6LP.
Saturday 30 June 2018 From 11.00am for 12 noon |
Brewery History Society AGM at Harvey's Brewery, Cliffe High Street, Lewes, Sussex BN7 2AH.
Meet at the John Harvey Tavern, opposite the brewery from 11.00am. All members are of course welcome to attend the AGM. |
Sunday 1 July 2018 11.00am |
A walking tour around the brewing heritage of Lewes, led by our President, Miles Jenner.
Meet in the Harvey's Brewery Yard at 11.00am.
Saturday 7 July 2018 12.00 noon |
BHS North-West Group meeting at 4T's Brewery, Lower Wash Lane, Latchford, Warrington WA4 1PL. We hope founder John Wilkinson will be present with another speaker from the local industry.
Saturday 21 July 2018 1.30pm |
Brewing in Oxford. A two-hour walking tour commencing 1.30pm from Oxford Railway Station led by local historian Liz Woolley ( The tour includes a visit to The Queen's College and a talk from the librarian, Robin Hobbs, about the history of brewing at the college. There will be a charge of £8 for each participant (20 max.).
Thursday 23 August 2018 10.30am |
BHS visit to Tuckers Maltings, Teign Road, Newton Abbot TQ12 4AA. Regrettably, Tuckers Maltings are to close towards the end of 2018.
Wednesday 19 September 2018 From 10.30am to 4pm |
Joint BHS / British Guild of Beer Writers Conference at the Button Factory, 25 Frederick Street, Birmingham B1 3HH.
The Pub: Evolving or Dying?. This seminar, organised with the British Guild of Beer Writers, looks at the evolution of pubs and the societal changes and other influences that have shaped their development. The speakers include Mike Hailwood, David Bruce, Geoff Brandwood, Karl Chessel, Sue Martindale and Charlie Rawlings. The event is free to BHS members. |
Friday 12 October 2018 9.30am to 4.30pm |
* The Association for Industrial Archaeology "Creative Reuse of Industrial Buildings Seminar" at the University of Salford, including a presentation on the award-winning Clementhorpe Maltings.
Thursday 25 October 2018 10.30am |
BHS visit to Timothy Taylor's Brewery, Knowle Spring Brewery, Queens Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 1AW. Meet at the brewery at 10.30am for a tour of the brewery, followed by sampling. |
Saturday 10 November 2018 11.30am |
BHS North-West visit to Bowland Brewery, The Beer Hall, Holmes Mill, Greenacre Street, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 1EB. We will have a brewery tour at about 12 noon. Meet at the Beer Hall at around 11.30am (the pub is open at 11.00).
Saturday 24 November 2018 From 10.30am |
* CAMRA's 33rd annual National Breweriana Auction at Burton on Trent Town Hall. Apart from the auction, which commences at noon, there will be a number of stalls selling brewery memorabilia. Plus beer of course! |
2017 | |
Saturday 21 January 2017 11.00am |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting: "Ale and Wigan Pie." - Wigan Prospect Brewery.
Meet at Wigan Central for 11.00am. |
Saturday 28 January 2017 From 12.00 noon |
* Joint meeting of the Labologists Society and the ABBC (Association for British Brewery Collectables) at the Royal Oak, 44 Tabard Street, London SE1 4JU (near Borough tube station).
A social afternoon with breweriana, good beer (Harvey's) and good food! BHS members welcome. |
Saturday 11 February 2017 From 12.00 noon |
The historic pubs and breweries of Cowes
A walk around Cowes on the Isle of Wight exploring the historic brewing and pub heritage of this town. This is a joint venture between the BHS, Cowes Heritage - which has produced an excellent book on the pubs of Cowes - and the Isle of Wight branch of CAMRA. |
Friday 24 March 2017 11.00am |
BHS visit to Pope's Yard Brewery, Unit B5b, 477-479 Whippendell Rd, Watford WD18 7PU. |
Friday 7 April 2017 11.00am |
BHS visit to Phipps NBC, The Albion Brewery, 54 Kingswell Street, Northampton NN1 1PR. |
Saturday 15 April 2017 11.00am |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting: Newsletter and Meanderings - Martland Mill Brewery's Tap 'n' Barrel, Hallgate, Wigan WN1 1LR. |
Saturday 13 May 2017 11.00am |
Ken Smith's Southwark Urban Walk: A re-run (walk!) of Ken's tour of Southwark. Meeting at 11.00am on Southwark Bridge, we see the Hop Exchange, and the remains of several breweries, one of which has been renovated but never brewed a pint!
Thursday 18 May 2017 2.00pm |
BHS visit to Harbour Brewery: Harbour Brewing Company, Trekillick Farm, Kirland, Near Bodmin PL30 5BB. |
Friday 19 May 2017 From 11.00am |
Brewery History Society AGM at St Austell Brewery, 63 Trevarthian Road, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 4BY.
Meet at the brewery from 11.00am. The AGM is held at 12 noon, followed by lunch and a brewery tour, then tasting. |
Saturday 20 May 2017 2.00pm |
BHS informal visit to the Blue Anchor Inn and Brewery, 50 Coinagehall Street, Helston, Cornwall, England, TR13 8EL. Dating back to the 15th century, the Inn boasts 600 years of brewing! Originally a monks' rest house, which produced a strong honey based mead, it now produces a variety of 'Spingo Ales' to traditional recipes. We meet at the pub at about 2.00pm. |
Friday 16 June 2017 2.00pm |
BHS visit to the Greene King Archives at Greene King's Brewery, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds IP33 1QT.
Meet at the brewery tap at 2.00pm. Following our visit last year, this is an opportunity to view the brewery archives which include records from Greene’s and King’s, and Greene King after the merger, also records from Morlands, Hardy & Hanson, Wells & Winch, GK Biggleswade, Rayments Furneux Pelham and Panton Brewery Cambridge. |
Saturday 24 June 2017 11.30am |
BHS walk around Ventnor looking at the town's brewing and pub heritage with talks and a look at the Burt's display in the Heritage Centre. Costing £2 entry to the Heritage Centre to include a free copy of 'Inns & Ale from Bonchurch to Chale'.
Meet at 11.30am at the Crab & Lobster, Grove Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1TH. |
18-21 July 2017 | BHS Overseas Visit to Prague
Based in Prague for four days, we meet in a suitable hostelry on the Tuesday evening. The draft itinerary includes two or three visits on the Wednesday, a visit to Pilsner Urquell on the Thursday, and a visit to the Brewing Research Institute on the Friday. |
Saturday 26 August 2017 From 12.00 noon |
* Tipplefair 2017. The Pub History Society will hold this event on the Saturday of the Peterborough Beer Festival, The Embankment, Embankment Road, Peterborough, PE1 1EF. This is an essential event for all breweriana collectors.
Saturday 2 September 2017 |
* As part of Burnley Beer Week, BHS member John Ingham leads a walking tour around six of Burnley's former brewing sites, meeting at The Bridge Bier Huis at Noon, ending at the Ministry of Ale - home of the Moonstone brewery. Followed from 3pm with a Q&A session.
Burnley Beer Week includes many other events including brewery visits and tastings. East Lancashire CAMRA website for more information. |
Thursday 7 September 2017 |
The Brewery History Society and the British Guild of Beer Writers are holding a joint one-day seminar. The topic will be "Ingredients".
To be held at Thornbridge Brewery, Riverside Brewery, Buxton Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1GS. We are joining forces with the British Guild of Beer Writers for this one-day seminar on "Ingredients in Beer". Confirmed speakers include: Scott Williams, Williams Bros; Mike Cable, Wild Beer; Toast brewing; Jenn Merrick, brewing consultant and Carl Heron, Crisps Maltings. The day will include a panel debate and a tour of the Thornbridge brewery. We will be providing free transport between the brewery and Sheffield Railway Station. |
Tuesday 17 October 2017 2.00pm |
BHS visit to Nethergate Brewery, Rodbridge Corner, Long Melford, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 9HJ.
Saturday 21 October 2017 From 10.30am |
* CAMRA's annual National Breweriana Auction at Burton on Trent Town Hall. Apart from the auction, which commences at noon, there will be a number of stalls selling brewery memorabilia. Plus beer of course! |
Saturday 18 November 2017 12.00 noon |
* The Brewery Memorabilia Annual Auction returns to the Jubilee Refreshment Rooms, Old Station Building, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire HX6 3AB. All auction proceeds are to benefit the West Yorkshire Forget Me Not Trust, a local children's charity.
Saturday 25 November 2017 From 11.00 am for a 12.00 noon start |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting at the Pavilion, the home of Bank Top Brewery, Ashworth Lane, Bank Top, Bolton BL1 8RA. |
2016 | |
Saturday 16 January 2016 From 11.30am |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting at the Tap 'n' Barrel, Hallgate, Wigan WN1 1LR - a Martland Mill Brewery pub.
Topics: Meeting of Minds - Members Committee Meeting Discussion - Future topics; Beer Measurement through the Ages - Stewart Thompson (Previous Technical Manager, Higsons Brewery); Know your "Hops" From Decade to Decade -Paul Wood, Head Brewer; Pack of Historical Labels - BHS NW Labologist. The meeting will end at about 2.30pm. A brief brewery tour with transport is available at the end of meeting. There will be a small charge for refreshment. |
Sunday 17 January 2016 From 1.00pm |
BHS North-East Regional Meeting
Robin Shacklock has arranged the inaugural meeting for the North-East region at the Bacchus, 42-48 High Bridge, Newcastle City Centre, NE1 6BX. Further details from |
Saturday 30 January 2016 From 12.00 noon |
* Joint meeting of the Labologists Society and the ABBC (Association for British Brewery Collectables) at the Royal Oak, 44 Tabard Street, London SE1 4JU (near Borough tube station).
A social afternoon with breweriana, good beer (Harvey's) and good food! BHS members welcome. |
Saturday 12 March 2016 From 11.00am |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting at Lymestone Brewery, Mount Road, Stone, Staffordshire ST15 8LL.
A brewery visit and historical chat; Guided tour from Ian (Brad) Bradford - Proprietor and Head Brewer. Lymstone Brewery has risen from the original building of Bent's Brewery closed in the 1960s. The tour will include lunch at the Borehole pub (brewery tap) which houses memorabilia from many brewing bygone years. Followed by a walk down memory brewery lane of the town of Stone with a BHS Regional Member. There will be a small charge for refreshment. |
Thursday 24 March 2016 10.00am for 10.30am |
"Recreating old beer styles". The British Guild of Beer Writers and the Brewery History Society are holding a joint one day conference at Fuller's Brewery, Chiswick Road South, London W4 2QB. The proceedings are expected to finish at about 4.30pm.
Following our enormously successful joint seminar at Hook Norton, the British Guild of Beer Writers and the Brewery History Society are holding another one day seminar entitled "Recreating Historical Beer Styles". Historians will discuss old beer styles and the difficulties in recreating recipes from the past. Case studies will be presented from brewers who have recreated beers from the past and we will review whether such beers are just curiosities or represent a real commercial opportunity for today’s brewers; and if, indeed, old beer styles can be recreated. The workshop is free of charge to members of the British Guild of Beer Writers and Brewery History Society and their guests. |
Saturday 2 April 2016 3.00pm |
BHS London Region visit to Wimbledon Brewery, 8 College Fields, SW19 2PT. Tour and talk to be presented by long-standing BHS member, Derek Prentice. |
Monday 4 April 2016 10.45am |
BHS visit to McMullen & Sons, The Whole Hop Brewery, 26 Old Cross, Hertford, SG14 1RD. Meet in Reception at 10.45am. Following the tour, there was a tasting of some of the brewery's bottled beers; then a visit to the Woolpack (brewery tap) to sample some draught products. |
Friday 8 April 2016 12.30pm |
In conjunction with the launch of his book, 'De-Coding the Morses', Eric Dore has arranged a tour of the former Crown Brewery building in Lowestoft with a limited number of places for BHS members. There is no charge for the tour. Lowestoft brewers, Green Jack, are producing a special Morse XXX beer at 6% to mark the occasion and this will be on sale at the Triangle Tavern after the tour. There will also be a limited edition bottle of the beer. Signed copies of Eric's book will be on sale at £8. |
Saturday 16 April 2016 12.00 noon |
* Meeting of the Labologists Society at the Brewery Tap, 80 Westgate, Peterborough PE1 2AA. Guests are welcome to attend. There will be a label auction for Labologists Society members only. |
Saturday 23 April 2016 |
Brewery walk in Reading. A walk around the remains of Reading's brewery history, led by BHS member Evelyn Williams. |
Thursday 5 May 2016 3.00pm |
BHS visit to the Old Cannon Brewery, 86 Cannon Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1JR. There is a charge of £10 per person for this visit, which includes a pint. |
Friday 6 May 2016 11.00am for 12.00 noon |
Brewery History Society AGM at Greene King's Brewery, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds IP33 1QT.
Arrival from 11.00am and meet at the Brewery Tap. The AGM will take place at 12.00 noon, after which there will be lunch and a tour of the brewery. |
Saturday 7 May 2016 9.30am for 10.00am (ends at about 5.30pm) |
* Roll Out the Barrel: Beer, Brewing and Buildings. The Victorian Society study day to encompass a wide range of subjects relating to drinking and brewing. The Art Workers' Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1.
Topics for the day include: The Buildings of the Malting Industry (Amber Patrick); ‘Some of the Finest Breweries in the Kingdom’: William Bradford & Sons, brewers’ architects (Lynn Pearson); The Decline and Fall of ‘Heavy Wet’ (Martyn Cornell); ‘Sowing that we might reap’: the Fall of the House of Allsopp (Ray Anderson); The Way out of Darkest England: the Temperance Movement and its Influence (Andrew Davison); One on Every Corner: what was different about Victorian pubs? (Geoff Brandwood); Saving Historic Pubs (Paul Ainsworth); Whitbread on the Somme? Lloyd George, Beer and the Great War Revisited (Siobhan McGinn). |
Saturday 18 June 2016 From 11.00am |
Ken Smith's East End Urban Walk: A re-run (walk!) of Ken's tour of brewing remains of London's East End. Meeting at Stepney Green Tube Station at 11.00am and heading towards the City for a finish around 3pm.
Friday 1 July 2016 11.00am |
BHS visit to the Worthington White Shield Brewery, National Brewery Centre, Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent DE14 1NG. Meet at the Brewery Tap at 11.00am, then a tour with Steve Wellington, head brewer.
Saturday 9 July 2016 12.00 noon |
* The Summer meeting of the Labologists Society at the Royal Oak, Tabard Street, London SE1. Anyone interested in breweriana especially bottle labels, is welcome to attend. |
Saturday 23 July 2016 From 11.00am |
"Burnley the Bygone Years". BHS member John Ingham will be leading a walking tour of Burnley’s brewery sites, beginning at the Moonstone microbrewery at the Ministry of Ale, 9 Trafalgar Street, Burnley BB11 1TQ . We will aim to take in about 6 former brewing sites; there will be a stop for refreshment at the Bier Huis on the way round, and we will finish at the New Brew-m, the brewery tap for the Reedley Hallows Brewery, where John will give a short talk on the current breweries in Burnley. The meeting is limited to 20 people, and there will be a small charge for refreshments.
Saturday 27 August 2016 From 12.00 noon |
* Tipplefair 2016. The Pub History Society will hold this event at the Peterborough Beer Festival, The Embankment, Bishops Road, Peterborough, PE1 1EF. This is an essential event for all breweriana collectors.
Friday 16 September 2016 1.30pm |
BHS visit to Jennings Brewery, Castle Brewery, Cockermouth, Cumbria CA13 9NE. There will be a charge of £9 per person for this visit.
Wednesday 19 October 2016 11.00am to 3.00pm |
BHS meeting at Morrow Brothers Limited, Unit 7 Ordnance Road, Buckshaw Village, near Chorley, PR7 7EL. The site is near Buckshaw Parkway Railway Station (services between Manchester and Blackpool).
Morrow Brothers describe themselves as "World leaders in cask and keg repair ... at the forefront of brewery container repair and refurbishment". We will have a tour of Morrow's state-of-the-art packaging plant; plus three speakers: Amber Patrick BHS Maltings; Phil Lewis - a career within Whitbread and Overseas; and Peter Dickinson Pack of Historical Bottle labels. Lunch and beer at a moderate cost. |
2015 | |
Friday 24 April 2015 |
AGM weekend
11.00am: BHS visit to Marble Brewery, 41 Williamson Street, Manchester, M4 4JS. 3.00pm: BHS visit to Joseph Holt Ltd, Empire Street, Manchester, M3 1JD. |
Saturday 25 April 2015 From 11.00am |
Brewery History Society AGM
This year our Annual General Meeting was held at Robinson's Unicorn Brewery in Stockport. |
Saturday 9 May 2015 11.00am |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk to Tottenham. A short walk around a number of brewery sites in the Tottenham area. Expected to take about three hours. |
12-14 May 2015 |
BHS Overseas visit to Dublin
Based in Dublin for 2 days; visits on 13th and 14th May to include: The party will be a maximum of 12-14 people; cost for the BHS visit programme is about £50 per person; this will be towards the costs of brewery visit, meals and minibus costs. Make own travel to Dublin and accommodation arrangements. |
Saturday 16 May 2015 |
* The Archaeology of Drinking
An all-day course organised by the University of Bradford. "This day school looks at the archaeology of drinking, the physical remains – artefacts, buildings and records - of an activity that has reflected so much about societies and their culture." A fee is payable. See web page: |
Monday 8 June 2015 11.00am |
BHS visit to Donnington Brewery, Donnington, near Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire GL54 1EP. There will be a charge of £10 per head for this trip. |
Friday 3 July 2015 11.00am |
BHS visit to Belhaven Brewery, Spott Road, Dunbar, East Lothian EH42 1RS. |
Saturday 18 July 2015 11.30am to 2.30pm |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting at Bank Top Brewery, Bolton with brewery tour. |
Saturday 29 August 2015 From 12.00 noon |
* Tipplefair 2015. The Pub History Society will hold this event at the Peterborough Beer Festival, The Embankment, Bishops Road, Peterborough, PE1 1EF. This is an essential event for all breweriana collectors.
Saturday 12 September 2015 10.30am to 3.00pm |
* Wrexham Brewing Past and Present
An event organised by Wrexham Museum. Featuring Wrexham Lager and some smaller breweries, demonstrations, talks and displays in the museum. |
Saturday 26 September 2015 11.00am |
Ken Smith's Urban Walk: Chiswell Street to St Pancras. A re-run (walk!) of Ken's tour of brewing sites including Whitbread, Cannon, and others. |
Saturday 3 October 2015 11.00am to 3.00pm |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting at the Tap 'n' Barrel, Hallgate, Wigan - a Martland Mill Brewery pub.
Topics -Mish Mash of the Brewery -an Old Higsonian -Stuart Thompson (previously Higsons and Robinsons); GBBF - Past and Last - Dave Sweeney Head Brewer Bank Top Brewery Bolton; From Watney’s Red Barrel to Cain’s Bitter - Phil Linley (previously Phipps Brewery – Trumans). After the meeting, a brewery tour is available (15 min drive away): there will be a moderate cost for refreshments of £7.00 per person. |
30 October 2015 2pm |
BHS visit to Crisps Maltings, Great Ryburgh, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 7AS. |
Saturday 28 November 2015 11.00am to 2.30pm |
BHS North-West Regional Meeting at the Bank Top Brewery Tap, 68-70 Belmont Road, Astley Bridge, Bolton BL1 7AN. This Bank Top Brewery PUB is located at Belmont Road, off the A666 Blackburn Road.
Topics - South by Northwest - a Brewer’s Journey. Stewart Main (previously brewer at Dryborough, Burtonwood, Hook Norton & Shepherd Neame); Brewing at seven Historic Breweries - Phil Linley (previously Head Brewer Higsons); Discover the Historic Age of Cask Ales, Dave Sweeney Head Brewer Bank Top. There will be a moderate cost for refreshments of £7.00 per person. Existing members are encouraged to invite new members who share our passion of our Brewing Heritage. |
Saturday 12 December 2015 12.00 noon |
* Brewery Historians Charity Section (BHCS). Christmas social, swap session and auction at the Hope Inn, 118 Wellington Road North, Stockport SK4 2LL. This will be the 21st of the charity socials. So far the events have raised £4,766.17. Breweriana will be sold or auctioned with proceeds going to a local charity. Any donations of brewery items welcomed. |
2014 | |
Thursday 24 April 2014 10.30am |
BHS visit to Elgood & Sons Ltd, North Brink Brewery, Wisbech, PE13 1LW.
Beginning at 10.30am, a tour of this classic Georgian brewery led by Head Brewer Alan Pateman, followed by beer tasting and a buffet lunch in a nearby pub. In the afternoon, a town walk of local brewery and related sites (Union Brewery, Oak and maybe Phillips brewery), led by Alan Pateman. Finish at approximately 4.00pm with a visit to another local pub. |
Thursday 8 May 2014 2.00pm |
BHS visit to Kingstone Brewery, Meadow Farm, Tintern NP16 7NX (off the A 466). This microbrewery was set up in 2005 as a 4 barrel brewery producing both draught and bottled beers.
Suggested meeting point is 12.45pm: Meet for an own arrangement lunch at Brockweir Country Inn, NP16 7NG (they do baguettes and have Kingstone draught beer) ( before departing at 1.45pm to Kingstone Brewery (about 3 miles away). We assemble at the brewery at 2.00pm. A tour of the brewery is led by brewer Mark Gardner, followed by a short beer tasting. We finish and disperse about 4.00-4.30pm. For those visiting Magor, it is about 17 miles (40 minutes) drive. |
Thursday 8 May 2014 6.00pm |
BHS visit to ABInBev's Magor Brewery, Wilcrick, Magor NP26 3RA - built by Whitbread and commissioned in 1979. They currently produce a mix of ABInBev branded lagers and ales.
Suggested meeting point is about 5.00-5.15pm at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Magor NP26 3HN. Meet at Magor Brewery entrance (approximately 2 miles west of the village) by 6.00pm. We will have a brewery history talk, and a tour of the plant to view the main brewing operations - possibly followed by a beer tasting. Our host is Brewery Manager Mr Tony Monteiro. Expected finishing time is 8.00-8.30pm. |
Friday 9 May 2014 11.00am for 11.50am |
The Brewery History Society AGM at SA Brain Brewery, Crawshay Street, Cardiff, CF10 1SP.
Assemble at the Reception / Visitor Centre from 11.00am. The AGM is at 12.00 noon, followed by an introduction and brief history of the brewery by Bill Dobson, General Manager and Head Brewer; then a Buffet lunch and beer tasting. From 2.00pm, a brewery tour. The AGM is of course open to all members, but names for the brewery tour are accepted on a first come / first served basis. The visit will end at approximately 4.30pm. |
Friday 9 May 2014 evening |
From about 6.00pm, we are planning informal visits to: the Urban Bar - Tiny Rebel Bar - in Westgate opposite the Millennium Stadium; ZeroDegrees (brewpub), 27 Westgate, Cardiff CF10 1DD (tbc) - one of 4 UK brewpubs; and to the site of the old Brain's brewery (now a pub) in Cardiff centre. |
Saturday 10 May 2014 10.30am |
BHS visit to Otley Brewery, Unit 39, Albion Industrial Estate, Cilfynydd, Pontypridd CF37 4NX.
A tour of this successful microbrewery - established 2005 - with a beer tasting led by Nick Otley, the Proprietor; followed by a luncheon bite at his nearby pub, the Bunch of Grapes Pontypridd. There will be small charge for this brewery visit (including lunch plate). |
Tuesday 17 June 2014 1.00pm for 2.00pm |
A two-day visit to Glasgow.
BHS visit to the Scottish Brewing Archive. We assemble at a local pub in time for a 2pm visit to the Scottish Brewing Archive, with talks by both our hosts at the Glasgow Archive Services and John Martin of the SBAA. Our visit ends at approximately 4.00pm, when we will visit nearby historic pubs led by the SBAA. |
Wednesday 18 June 2014 10.30am |
BHS visit and tour of the Tennents Brewery, Wellpark Brewery, Duke Street, Glasgow, and the new Drygate Brewpub, a joint venture by Tennents and Williams Brothers - on the same site. |
Wednesday 18 June 2014 2.00pm |
BHS visit to West Brewery, Binnie Place, Glasgow Green - a lunch followed by a brewery tour of this modern German-style brewpub. There will be a charge for this visit. |
Wednesday 9 July 2014 From 10.15am |
A two-day visit to Winchester and Alton.
The programme has been prepared and will be led by BHS member Sue Bell starting 10.15 at Winchester College Brewhouse. Then lunch - a Winchester Huff and beer at nearby Wykeham Arms (SO23 9PE). In the afternoon, an urban walk to visit the recently excavated St James Brewery site; then Hyde Abbey, Winnal and Marston's brewery sites; finishing via two local Micro Breweries - Red Cat and Alfred's. Finishing at 6.00pm. |
Thursday 10 July 2014 From 10.00am |
We continue our Hampshire expedition by visiting Molson-Coors brewery at Alton (GU34 2PS), led by Mark Dobnor, Brewing Manager. Talk and exhibition by BHS member Geof Dye at the Railway Inn, followed by a ploughmans lunch. In the afternoon, a walk led by Sue Bell using the 1666 Alton map to visit old malting & brewery sites; finishing at the Allen Gallery for a short talk on Baverstock brewery. At 4.30pm, we depart for Andwell Brewery , North Wanborough (RG27 1HA) for a visit at 5pm, finishing at approximately 6pm.
Tuesday 16 September 2014 10.30am |
A two-day visit to Suffolk
A walk to brewery and maltings sites in Ipswich, planned by the late Colin Bridgland. |
Wednesday 17 September 2014 10.15am |
We continue our Suffolk expedition by visiting Adnam's brewery and distillery at Southwold. Assemble at the brewery at 10.15am. Our guide is head brewer Fergus Fitzgerald. We conclude with beer tasting, and our visit finishes at about 1.00pm.
Tuesday-Friday 7-10 October 2014 |
BHS overseas visit to Berlin.
Based in Berlin for 4 days, make own travel to Berlin and accommodation arrangements in Berlin. Visits to include: The only remaining large brewery, Kindl Schultheis Brauerei; Brewing School and pilot brewery, maltings and brewing library at VLB Berlin University; city walk(s) visiting closed brewery and malting sites (Botzow, Konigstadt, KulturBrauerei) and several new micro breweries, some in old brewery / malting buildings; a day in Potsdam for more historical brewing and current microbrewing / pub scene. Plus an urban walk through an historic and the new brew pub area of Berlin. Our link in Berlin is Michaela Knoer - Librarian at the VLB Brewing Historical Society, who we met up with in Bamberg last year. |
Wednesday 22 October 2014 From 10.30am |
Commencing at 10.30am, we visit Revolutions Brewery, Castleford, WF10 5PX. Then at 2.00pm at Fawcetts Maltings at Castleford, WF10 4LE. |
Thursday 23 October 2014 10.30am |
"Beer writing – past, present and future". The British Guild of Beer Writers and the Brewery History Society are holding a joint one day seminar at The Hook Norton Brewery, Brewery Lane, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire OX15 5NY. This will review how beer writing has developed over the past two hundred years; examine coverage of beer in the modern media and explore how beer communication might evolve in the digital age. Contributions by James Clarke, James Sumner, Ray Anderson, Ray Newman, Marverine Cole, Nick Stanhope, Adrian Tierney-Jones. The seminar is followed by a brewery tour and a beer or two! The workshop is free of charge to members of the Guild and the Brewery History Society and their guests. There is a fee of £25 for non-members.
Saturday 6 December 2014 12.00 noon |
* Brewery Historians Charity Section (BHCS) Christmas social, swap session and auction at the Hope Inn, 118 Wellington Rd North, Stockport SK4 2LL. In the 19 meetings since 1995, over £4,400 has been raised for charity. |
2013 | |
Thursday 25 April 2013 2.00pm |
BHS visit to AB-InBev's Samlesbury Brewery - Cuerdale Lane, Samlesbury, Lancs, PR5 0XD. Built by Whitbreads in 1972. A tour and beer tasting led by Brewing Manager Christopher Deakin. |
Friday 26 April 2013 11.00am for 11.50am |
The Brewery History Society AGM at Thwaites's Star Brewery, Penny Street, Blackburn BB1 6HL. Assemble in Reception / Visitor Centre. The AGM is at 12 noon, followed by a buffet lunch and tours of the brewery. The visit ends at 4.30pm. See: Photographs of the 2013 visit. 6.00pm: Informal BHS visit to 3 Bs Brewery, Black Bull, Tockholes, near Blackburn, BB3 0LL. |
Saturday 27 April 2013 | 10.00am: BHS visit to Irwell Works Brewery, Irwell Street, Ramsbottom BL0 9YQ. Tour of the brewery and beer tasting.
12 noon: BHS visit to Bank Top Brewery, Ashworth Lane, Bank Top, Bolton BL1 8RA. Tour of the brewery, lunch plate and beer tasting led by Head Brewer David Sweeney. (Small charge) |
Tuesday 14 May to Saturday 18 May 2013 | BHS visit to Bamberg. This German world heritage town has at least seven breweries and two maltings; many exceptional beer kellers and beers; plus lots more brewery and heritage sites. Guests will make their own travel and accommodation arrangements to fit a 3-4 day programme in Bamberg, to include Weyermann's maltings (which has its own microbrewery), and 3-4 Bamberg breweries including some keller and brewery hospitality. The party will be a maximum of 12. A charge of about £75 per person will be toward the costs of the local brewery, maltings and keller visits. |
Thursday 20 June 2013 1.00pm |
BHS visit (in conjunction with members of the Scottish Brewing Archive) to Cameron's Brewery Ltd, Lion Brewery, Stranton, Hartlepool, TS24 7QS. Founded 1865. 1.00pm: Assemble at the Brewery Reception / Visitor Centre for buffet lunch and brewery history. 2.00pm: Tour of the brewery and beer tasting led by Director of Brewing Martin Dutoy. 4.00pm: Talk by Peter Maule (retired brewer and malting chemist): 'A Tale of Three Breweries - the Delaval Breweries of the Berwick area'. 5.30pm: Disperse from Camerons, followed by a visit to some historic Hartlepool brewery/hostelry sites in the vicinity of the brewery. |
Thursday 11 July 2013 From 10.00am |
BHS Day visit to Ware and Stanstead Abbots. 10.00am: Assemble at French & Jupp Ltd, Roydon Road, Stanstead Abbots, SG12 8HG. Maltsters and malt roasters since the 1600s. Visit the plant led by former Chairman Guy Horlock. 12 noon: lunch break at a pub in the village. 1.45pm: Assemble in Ware (approximately 5 miles from Stanstead Abbots) at Waggers Bar (part of 1840s malthouse of Dickenson), Kibes Lane, Ware, SG12 7BS. 2.00pm: Urban walk in Ware led by BHS member Colin Bridgland to visit the many old brown malt malting buildings and old brewery sites including Star Street, High Street, New Road, Star Brewery, Bluecoat Brewery, and many other locations. Finish at about 6.00pm. A small charge is payable for the maltings visit and lunch. |
Saturday 24 August 2013 12.00 noon to 5.30pm |
* Tipplefair 2013. Organised by the Pub History Society, Tipplefair 2013 is an essential event for all breweriana collectors. This will be held at the Peterborough Beer Festival, The Embankment, Bishops Road, Peterborough, PE1 1EF. The Beer Festival is open all day until 11.00pm.
Tuesday 24 September 2013 From 12.15pm |
BHS visit to JC and RC Palmer, Old Brewery, Bridport, DT6 4JA. We meet at the Crown Inn, West Bay Road; then from 2.00pm, a tour of the brewery and beer tasting led by Head Brewer Darren Batten. We finish at about 5.00pm. |
3-6 October 2013 |
* Brewery Collectibles World Convention, Martin, Slovakia. |
Saturday 5 October 2013 |
BHS Urban Walk/Ride around South-West London, led by Ken Smith. Visiting the remains of the New London Brewery, Plowman Barrett and Thomas Woodward, perhaps some others. A bus pass or Oyster Card is required. |
Thursday 10 October 2013 From 10.30am |
BHS visit to Wrexham. To view the new Kaspar Schulz brewery built in 2011 for Wrexham Lager; followed by beer tasting, lunch, and a gentle urban walk to view some of the sites of old Wrexham breweries. The walk is led by local BHS member Derek Jones. Derek and his wife Beryl are authors of the book Wrexham Breweries and Inns 2001. Members may also find this link of interest: |
Saturday 7 December 2013 12.00 noon |
* Brewery Historians Charity Section (BHCS) Christmas social, swap session and auction at the Jubilee Refreshment Rooms, Sowerby Bridge Station, Yorkshire HX6 3AD. In the 18 meetings since 1995, over £4,000 has been raised for charity. |
2012 | |
Thursday 19 April 2012 10.30am |
10.30am: Assemble outside outside Camden Town Underground Station at Camden High Street entrance, for a short urban walk via the old Camden brewery site/stores building 1890 (Hawley Crescent); and the site of Tuckers Chalk Farm Brewery. At 11.30am, BHS visit to Camden Town Brewery, Wilkin Street Mews, Kentish Town, London NW5 3NN. A visit to this micro which was set up in 2006 and transferred to this site in 2010. View the brewery followed by beer tasting with Mark Dredge. |
Thursday 19 April 2012 3.00am |
BHS visit to Brodie's Brewery, Leyton, London. Meet at the brewery tap, King William IV, 816 Leyton High Road, E10 6AE. A visit to this micro which was set up in 2008. |
Friday 20 April 2012 11.00am for 11.45am |
The Brewery History Society AGM. Fuller's Brewery, Griffin Brewery, Chiswick Road South, London W4 2QB. Starting in Fuller's Hock Cellar, Chiswick Lane from 11.00am. Following the AGM, a buffet lunch and brewery tours. The visit ends at 4.00pm. In the evening (6.00pm) a visit to Twickenham Brewery, Rycroft Works, Edwin Road, Twickenham TW2 6SP. |
Saturday 21 April 2012 11.00am |
'North Kent Meander'. BHS minibus tour of brewery sites between Bexley and Chatham, led by Ken Smith. Starting at Dartford Rail Station at 11.00am. The tour finishes at Dartford at approximately 5.00pm. There is a charge for this visit to cover minibus transportation. |
Wednesday 27 June 2012 8.00pm |
* Following the Burton Civic Society AGM, Malcolm James will talk about his six years of research into the use and re-use of brewery buildings. This takes place at about 8.00pm at the Worthington Suite of the National Brewery Centre, Burton upon Trent. |
Wednesday 27 June 2012 From 3.00pm |
A two-day visit to Edinburgh. 3.00pm: BHS visit to Stewarts Brewery, Loanhead, Edinburgh EH20 9LZ. Visit the brewery led by the owner Steve Stewart. 6.30pm: Visit the SIBA Scottish regional beer competition at the Corn Exchange, Newmarket Road, Edinburgh EH14 1RJ for beer tasting at the Trade session. |
Thursday 28 June 2012 From 10.30am |
10.30am - 4.00pm: Joint meeting with the Scottish Brewing Archive Association (SBAA) - to include a walking tour of the old brewing sites in Edinburgh plus some traditional Edinburgh pubs. 5.00pm: BHS visit to Caledonian Brewery, Slateford Road, Edinburgh EH11 1PH, finishing with a beer tasting. 7.00-7.30pm: Visit a nearby historic pub for farewell refreshment. |
Thursday 5 July 2012 From 2.30pm |
A two-day visit to Norfolk. 2.30pm: BHS visit to Woodforde Brewery, Woodbastwick, Norfolk NR13 6SW; finishing at 6.00pm. Evening: an urban walk of Norwich old brewery sites (3-4 breweries). |
Friday 6 July 2012 10.30pm |
10.30am - 2.30pm: BHS visit to the History of Advertising Trust (HAT) and museum, Raveningham, Norfolk NR14 6NU. This is the new home to a major part of the BHS archive from Birmingham. A joint launch with HAT and BHS of the BHS Archive. After a buffet lunch, the event closes at 2.30pm. |
Tuesday 14 August 2012 2.30pm |
BHS visit to Hall & Woodhouse Brewery, Blandford St Mary. Visit the old and new breweries. Start at 2.30pm at the Brewery Visitor Centre. |
Saturday 25 August 2012 From 12 noon |
* Tipplefair 2012. Now organised by the Pub History Society, Tipplefair 2012 - an essential event for all breweriana collectors - will be held at the Peterborough Beer Festival, The Embankment, Bishops Road, Peterborough, PE1 1EF. |
Thursday 6 September 2012 2.30pm |
A two-day visit to Kent. 2.30pm: BHS visit and hop picking at the Wye Dwarf Hops Research Station, near Canterbury (CT2 9AR). Dr Peter Darby, the hop breeder, will explain the research and breeding programme; followed by visits to the experimental plots and to a commercial hop farm next door. Close at about 5.00pm. |
Friday 7 September 2012 10.30am |
10.30am: BHS urban walk of Canterbury malting and brewing sites, led by BHS member Colin Bridgland. |
Monday 8 October 2012 10.30am |
10.30am: BHS visit to Timothy Taylor's Brewery, Keighley, Yorkshire. There will include a full morning of brewing and brewery site visits including their new cask filling facilities; finishing with a beer tasting led by Head Brewer Peter Eells. The visit closes at about 3.00pm. |
Saturday 8 December 2012 12.00 noon |
* Brewery Historians Charity Section (BHCS) Christmas social, swap session and auction at the Jubilee Refreshment Rooms, Sowerby Bridge Station, Yorkshire HX6 3AD. |
2011 | |
Friday 11 March 2011 2.00pm |
BHS Walk. Ray Anderson leads a tour of some of Burton's brewing and malting sites, extant and extinct, on the Friday afternoon before the SHIER Conference. The walk starts from Burton-upon-Trent Railway Station at 2.00pm. and lasts for about three hours ending in a pub. |
Saturday 12 March 2011 10.30am for 11.00 |
The Last Drop: England's Brewing Heritage: The BHS SHIER Conference, in association with English Heritage The conference launches and discusses the results of the BHS SHIER (Strategy for the Historic Industrial Environment Report) project, and looks at England's remaining historic brewing buildings and plant. National Brewery Centre, Burton-upon-Trent: Worthington suite. More details about the BHS Conference 2011. |
Thursday 5 May 2011 1.00pm |
BHS visit to Holden's Brewery, George Street, Woodsetton, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 4LW. (Small charge) |
Thursday 5 May 2011 5.30pm |
BHS visit to Batham's Brewery, Delph Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands DY5 2TN. (Small charge) |
Friday 6 May 2011 from 11.00am for 12.00 noon |
Brewery History Society AGM. Marston Banks's Brewery, Park Brewery, Brewery Road, Wolverhampton WV1 4PR. Marston's Training Centre, Summerfield Road (rear of the brewery). Followed by a tour of Banks's Brewery in the afternoon.
Saturday 7 May 2011 11.00am |
BHS informal visit to Ma Pardoe's (Old White Swan) Brewery, 89 Halesowen Road, Netherton, West Midlands DY2 9PX; including a short tour of the brewery. |
Sunday 15 May 2011 From 9.00am |
* Tipplefair 2011. Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham, MK18 1RP. Beer, spirits and drink-related collectables. Real ale bar from 11.00am. |
Saturday 4 June 2011 11.00am |
Ken Smith's third walk around the brewing sites of London. This one from Chiswell Street to St Pancras, incorporating Whitbread, Cannon, and other sites of brewing relevance. |
Saturday 4 June 2011 12.00 noon |
* Brewery Historians Charity Section (BHCS) meeting, swap session and auction at the Jubilee Bar, Sowerby Bridge Station, Yorkshire. All money raised will go to the Overgate Hospice, Elland, Yorkshire. |
Wed-Thu 22-23 June 2011 |
BHS visit to Dublin. Wednesday 4.00pm: Old Jameson Distillery, Bow Street Museum, Dublin. Followed by a guided visit to some Dublin historical hostelries in the evening.
Thursday 10.30am - 4.00pm: Guinness Brewery, historical buildings, Store-house Museum and Archives (meet the Guinness archivist); including lunch and Guinness tasting. |
Friday 15 July 2011 from 10.30am |
BHS visit to Nottingham city. Beginning at the Prince of Wales (Hutchinson's) brewery in Basford, used by Murphy & Son Ltd for the supply of products to breweries. Then a walk via Shipstone's Maltings and Brewery to the Nottingham Brewery in Radford; finishing with a tour of Castle Rock Brewery. |
Friday 16 September 2011 from 10.15am |
BHS visit to Newark, Nottinghamshire - Malting and Brewing Trail, led by BHS member Colin Bridgeland. We start at Warwick & Richardson's former brewery in Northgate, and a visit to the Maltsters Association of GB; then a walk around Newark which covers sites of 8 breweries (including Trent Brewery, Holes, Town Wharf Brewery), and about 26 maltings (many with remains). Lunch at the Fox & Crown, Appleton Gate. |
Thursday 20 October 2011 from 9.45am |
BHS Minibus tour of Tring and the Vale of Aylesbury. Includes several former brewery sites, and the recently relocated Tring Brewery. Begins at Leighton Buzzard Rail Station at 9.45am. Lots of stops at defunct brewery and malting sites in the eastern part of the Vale & Tring. The trip is limited to 20 persons and there will be a small charge which will be collected on the day. |
Saturday 10 December 2011 12.00 noon |
* Brewery Historians Charity Section (BHCS) Christmas social, swap session and auction at the Jubilee Bar, Sowerby Bridge Station, Yorkshire. All money raised will go to the Overgate Hospice, Elland, Yorkshire. |
2010 | |
Saturday 6 March 2010 11.00am |
BHS Walk (guide Ken Smith) around the brewing sites of Southwark. Starts from the East Side Centre of Southwark Bridge at 1100. Approximate finishing time 1400. Featuring the sites of Barclay Perkins, Courage and Sarson's Vinegar Brewery. |
Thursday 29 April 2010 11.00am |
BHS visit to Warminster Maltings, Pound Street, Warminster BA12 8NN. A traditional floor maltings still operating in a Grade 2 listed building - part built /rebuilt in 1879. Home of Dr E S Beavans - barley/malting developments in the late 19c before the company was sold the Guinness Group. Now privately owned again. |
Thursday 29 April 2010 3.00pm |
BHS visit to Frome for a short walk around the town - with a guide - to see the old brewery, malting and industry sites and buildings, finishing up at Milk Street Craft Brewery, Frome BA11 3DB (Griffin Inn) for a tour at 1700. |
Friday 30 April 2010 From 11.30am |
Brewery History Society AGM. Wadworth's Brewery, Northgate Brewery, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1JW. |
Saturday 1 May 2010 11.00am |
BHS visit to the Hop Back Brewery, Downton. near Salisbury SP5 3HU. This craft brewery was set up in 1987. |
Sunday 16 May 2010 From 9.00am |
* Tipplefair 2010. Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham, MK18 1RP. Beer, spirits and drink-related collectables. Real ale bar from 11.00am. |
Friday 23 July 2010 From 10.30am |
BHS visit to Oxford and Witney. 1030: meet at Oxford railway station forecourt to catch public bus to Oxford Brookes University Gypsy Lane campus, Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP. 1100-1200: a visit to the National Brewing Library (; then return to the rail station for: 1230-1430: an urban brewery walk to view old brewery/malting sites including Morrell's and Hall's; then 1530 to approx 1800: a visit to Marston's-owned Wychwood Brewery, Witney OX28 4DP ( on the site of the Clinch Eagle Brewery and Maltings. |
Monday 6 September 2010 From 10.30am |
BHS visit to Herefordshire. 1030: Wye Valley Brewery located in the former Symonds Cider plant at Stoke Lacy, HR7 4HG ( 1400: an afternoon tour of Pridewood Farm, Ashperton, Herefordshire HR8 2SF to view hop picking, drying and packaging. |
Thursday 9 September 2010 7.30pm |
* Talk: 'The business of hops in the 19th century' by BHS member Peter Tann. Drill Hall, Preston Street, Faversham, Kent. BHS members welcome. |
18-20 October 2010 | * International Brewing Convention, Manchester. Institute of Brewing & Distilling and the Beer Academy ( Members of the BHS Committee attended and ran a stall. Chris Marchbanks also represented the National Brewing Library. The event comprised a conference, and an exhibition of suppliers' stands. We were part of the exhibition and did not attend the conference. |
Saturday 11 December 2010 12.00 noon |
* BHCS meeting at the Jubilee Bar, Sowerby Bridge Station, Yorkshire. All money raised will go to the Overgate Hospice, Elland, Yorkshire. |
2009 | |
Thursday 26 February 2009 From 10.00am |
BHS visit to the Beamish & Crawford brewery, prior to its closure in March 2009. Brewery Reception, Beamish & Crawford plc, The Brewery, South Main Street, Cork City, Ireland.
Wednesday 18 March 2009 From 12.45pm |
Joint visit and meeting: Institute of Brewing & Distilling Midland Section and Brewery History Society |
Thursday 23 April 2009 7.00pm |
BHS visit to Hydes Brewery, 46 Moss Lane, Manchester M15 5PH. |
Friday 24 April 2009 From 11.30am |
Brewery History Society AGM. J W Lees' Greengate Brewery, Lees Street, Middleton Junction, Greater Manchester M24 2AX. |
Friday 24 April 2009 5.00pm |
BHS visit to the Royal Brewery, Denmark Road, Manchester M15 6LD. |
Saturday 25 April 2009 11.00am |
BHS visit to Phoenix Brewery, Green Lane, Heywood, Greater Manchester OL10 2EP. Established as the Oak Brewery in 1982 - moved into this late-19c brewery building in 1991. |
Saturday 9 May 2009 12.00 noon |
* The Association for British Brewery Collectables (ABBC) are holding a breweriana meeting at Milk Street Brewery, Frome, Somerset, BA11 3DB. See the ABBC web site. BHS members are welcome to attend, and a brewery visit is included. |
Sunday 17 May 2009 From 9.00am |
* Tipplefair 2009. Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham, MK18 1RP. Beer, spirits and drink-related collectables. Real ale bar from 11.00am. |
Friday 17 July 2009 11.00am |
BHS visit to Harvey's Brewery, 6 Cliffe High Street, Lewes, Sussex BN7 2AH; followed by a walking tour seeing the historical brewing and political sites of the town. |
Saturday 19 September 2009 11.00am |
BHS Walk (guide Ken Smith) - about three hours - around the brewing site remains of the East End of London, including Charrington, Mann Crossman & Paulin, Truman Hanbury & Buxton, John Furze, Best & Co, Tilney & Co. The walk starts at Stepney Green Tube Station. |
Friday 4 December 2009 7.30pm |
* An English Project Talk: 'The Language of Beer'. Professor Christopher Mulvey talks about beer, the language of beer and the mysteries of brewers' lingo. Warren Hall, Micheldever Station, near Winchester, Hampshire SO21 3AR. BHS members welcome. |
Saturday 12 December 2009 12 noon |
* Historians and Collectors Social (HACS). A social event at the Grove Inn, 2 Spring Grove Street, Huddersfield for brewery historians and collectors (a social gathering!). Includes a raffle and auction and attendees are invited to bring along any items of brewery / historical / collectable interest and information. |
2008 | |
Saturday 29 March 2008 11.00am |
BHS visit to Hook Norton Brewery, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire. |
Saturday 5 April 2008 12 noon |
* Peterborough Breweriana Extravaganza - British Brewery Playing Card Society. Coalheavers Arms, Park Street, Peterborough. |
Sunday 18 May 2008 From 9.00am |
* Tipplefair 2008. Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham, MK18 1RP. |
Friday 23 May 2008 11.30am for 12 noon |
Brewery History Society AGM. Arkell's Brewery, Swindon, Wiltshire. |
Saturday 21 June 2008 12 noon |
* St Neots Breweriana Extravaganza. The British Brewery Playing Card Society's annual collectors meeting at the Bull’s Head, 96 Cambridge Street, St Neots, Cambridgeshire. All sorts of breweriana on sale. For further details contact Maxine on 01733 239585 or email |
Wednesday 17 September 2008 11.00am |
BHS visit to Wickwar Brewery, The Old Brewery, Station Road, Wickwar, Gloucestershire.
BHS visit to this very successful brewery which started life as a 1990 micro in the former coopers' shop of the Arnold Perrett Brewery, and has expanded into the fascinating 19c main brewery buildings. |
Friday 26 September 2008 11.00am |
BHS visit to Tetley's Brewery, Hunslet Road, Leeds, Yorkshire. See: Photographs of the 2008 Tetley visit | .
Saturday 13 December 2008 12 noon |
* Historians and Collectors Social (HACS). A social event at the Grove Inn, 2 Spring Grove Street, Huddersfield for brewery historians and collectors (a social gathering!). Includes a raffle and auction and attendees are invited to bring along any items of brewery / historical / collectable interest and information. |
2007 | |
Thursday 12 April 2007 1.00pm |
BHS visit to Highgate Brewery, Sandymount Road, Walsall. See: Photographs of the Highgate visit. |
Thursday 12 April 2007 6.00pm |
BHS visit to Sarah Hughes Brewery, Bilston Street, Sedgley. See: Photographs of the Sarah Hughes visit. |
Thursday 19 April 2007 From 11.30am |
Brewery History Society AGM. Shepherd Neame's Brewery, Faversham, Kent. See: Photographs of the Shepherd Neame AGM and visit. |
Saturday 12 May 2007 11.00am |
Joint visit with ABBC at the Badger Brewery, Hall & Woodhouse, Blandford Forum, Dorset. |
Sunday 20 May 2007 | * Tipplefair 10, Milton Keynes. |
Wednesday 14 November 2007 11.00am |
BHS visit to Thwaites Brewery, Blackburn. |
Saturday 15 December 2007 12 noon |
* A social event at the Grove Inn, 2 Spring Grove Street, Huddersfield for brewery historians and collectors (a social gathering!). Includes a raffle and auction and attendees are invited to bring along any items of brewery, historical or collectable interest and information. |
2006 | |
Saturday 18 February 2006 | * Joint BHS / ABBC Social Meeting, Hosted by BHS Corporate Member Gary Burlison at The Merchant's Inn, Rugby; and a visit to the Atomic Brewery, Alexandra Arms. |
Saturday 25 February 2006 | * Joint BHS / Victorian Society Study Day: 'THEFROM HOPS TO HOSTELRY - THE BREWING AND LICENSED TRADES, 1800-1914'.
Hosted by Youngs Brewery, Wandsworth. See: Details of the Study Day. |
Saturday 1 April 2006 2.15 pm |
BHS visit to George Gale & Co., Horndean, Hampshire. STOP PRESS: Sorry, unfortunately Gales have had to cancel this trip. |
Friday 21 April 2006 | BHS AGM Hosted by Hardys & Hansons Kimberley Brewery, Kimberley, Notts. |
Saturday 6 May 2006 11am |
BHS visit to Warminster Maltings, Warminster, Wiltshire. |
Sunday 21 May 2006 | * Tipplefair 9, Milton Keynes. |
Saturday 3 June 2006 12 noon |
BHS visit to JC & RH Palmer Ltd, West Bay Road, Bridport, Dorset. |
Saturday 17 June 2006 12 noon |
* St Neots Breweriana Bash - 2006. See: Details of the St Neots Meeting |
Thursday 6 July 2006 11am |
BHS visit to Elgood & Sons Brewery, North Brink, Wisbech.
Tuesday 29 August 2006 12.30pm |
BHS visit to Young's Brewery, High Street, Wandsworth.
Saturday 23 September 2006 2.30pm |
BHS visit to Greene King's Brewery, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds.
Thursday 12 October 2006 7.00pm |
Beer and brewery quiz night - sponsored by Hall & Woodhouse Brewery At the St Stephen’s Tavern, 10 Bridge Street, London SW1 (opposite the Houses of Parliament). |
2005 | |
Wednesday 2 March 2005 | BHS Visit to the Tyne Brewery, Newcastle upon Tyne. |
Friday 22 April 2005 | BHS Visit to the Guinness Brewery, Park Royal, London. |
Saturday 7 May 2005 | BHS AGM. Hosted by Batemans Brewery, Wainfleet, Lincolnshire. See: Photographs of the Batemans 2005 visit. |
Sunday 22 May 2005 | * Tipplefair, Milton Keynes. |
Friday 1 July 2005 | BHS Visit to the St. Austell Brewery, Cornwall. |
Friday 16 September 2005 | BHS Visit to Ridley's Brewery, Hartford End, Essex. See: Photographs of the Ridley's 2005 visit. |
Thursday 22 September 2005 | BHS Visit to Wolverhampton & Dudley Maltings: Langley Green Maltings, West Midlands and Lichfield Maltings, Staffordshire. |
Saturday 24 September 2005 | BHS Visit to the Hogs Back Brewery, Farnham. |
2004 | |
Friday 14 May 2004 | Brewery History Society AGM. Young's Brewery, Wandsworth, London. |
Sunday 23 May 2004 | * Tipplefair 7, Milton Keynes. |
Saturday 3 July 2004 | BHS visit to Oakham Brewery, Westgate, Peterborough. |
Saturday 23 October 2004 | BHS visit to three breweries on the Isle of Wight: Ventnor; Yates (St Lawrence); Goddard's (Ryde). |
Thursday 26 November 2004 | BHS Visit to the Fountain Bridge Brewery. |
2003 | |
Saturday 8 February 2003 | BHS visit to JW Lees & Co. Middleton Junction, Manchester. |
Thursday 13 February 2003 | BHS visit to Adnams Brewery, Southwold, Suffolk. |
Wednesday 30 April 2003 | BHS visit to Frederick Robinson Ltd., Stockport. |
Friday 16 May 2003 | BHS AGM. Hosted by Everards Brewery, Narborough, Leicester. See: Photographs of the Everard's visit. |
Sunday 18 May 2003 | * Tipplefair 6, Milton Keynes. |
Friday 13 June 2003 | Joint BHS / English Heritage / AIA Conference - 'From Grain to Glass', Swindon. |
Saturday 14 June 2003 | * Joint Society Social at St Neots arranged by the BBPCS. |
Saturday 28 June 2003 | BHS Visit to Marstons Brewery, Burton on Trent. |
Saturday 6 September 2003 | Another BHS / ABBC organised joint Society social at Histon. Always a great day. |
2002 | |
Saturday 23 February 2002 | BHS visit to George Gale and Co. Ltd., The Hampshire Brewery, Horndean, Hampshire - followed by visit to the restored Southwick Brewhouse |
Friday 19 April 2002 | BHS AGM. Hosted by John Smith's Brewery, Tadcaster. |
Saturday 4 May 2002 | * Charity Brewery Fair. Stalybridge Station Buffet. |
Sunday 26 May 2002 | * Tipplefair 5, Milton Keynes. |
Saturday 22 June 2002 | * Joint Society Social at St Neots arranged by the BBPCS. |
Monday 12 August 2002 | BHS Visit to the Thomas Hardy Brewery - Eldridge Pope, Dorchester. |
Saturday 7 September 2002 | Another BHS / ABBC organised Joint Society Social at Histon. |
Wednesday 16 October 2002 | BHS Visit to the BRi. |
Friday 25 October 2002 | BHS Visit to M&B's Cape Hill Brewery. See Photographs of this excellent visit. |
2001 | |
Saturday 12 May 2001 | BHS AGM. Hosted by Robert Cain & Co. Ltd, Liverpool. See Illustrations of the Cain's visit. |
Saturday 16 June 2001 | Joint Society Social at St Neots arranged by the BBPCS. See Details of the St Neots Joint Social |
Saturday 8 September 2001 | Another BHS / ABBC organised joint Society social at the Red Lion, Histon. |
Sunday 30 September 2001 | * Tipplefair 4, Milton Keynes. |
Monday 17 December 2001 | BHS visit to the Castle Eden Brewery. |
2000 | |
Friday 28 April 2000 | BHS AGM. Hosted by Cameron's Brewery, Hartlepool. |
Friday 9 June 2000 12.00 - 6.30pm. |
* Scottish Brewing Archive Open day. |
Saturday 17 June 2000 | Corporate Member meeting at Kelham Island Brewery, Sheffield. |
Sunday 25 June 2000 | * Tipplefair 2, Milton Keynes |
Saturday 15 July 2000 1.30pm - 4.30pm |
Public Houses Research Project, East Grinstead. |
Saturday 15 July 2000 | Joint meeting with ABBC at the Marston Inn, Marston St Lawrence |
Saturday 20 August 2000 | Hops, Hogs & Harleys. The Old Kiln Museum, Farnham. |
Friday 1 September 2000 | Corporate Member meeting at Ushers, Trowbridge. |
Saturday 2 September 2000 | * Faversham Hop Festival. Shepherd Neame Brewery open to the public. |
Saturday 16 September 2000 | BHS visit to Shepherd Neame Brewery, Faversham. |
Sunday 19 November 2000 | * Tipplefair 3, Milton Keynes |