Brewery History Society

The Brewery History Society


OXON BREWS: The Story of Commercial Brewing in Oxfordshire.

By Mike Brown.

Published by the Brewery History Society, 102 Ayelands, New Ash Green, Longfield, Kent DA3 8JW.

ISBN 1 873966 12 1.

A4 Paperback; published 2004.

Please email for further information.

This county gazetteer lists in alphabetical place order all the breweries known to have existed in Oxfordshire (excluding the "non-commercial" breweries of farms or country houses). This volume includes many well-known breweries such as Brakspear, Garne, Hall, Hook Norton, Hunt Edmunds, Morrell and many other lesser known breweries. Note that breweries in the large towns of Abingdon and Wallingford which were once in Oxfordshire but are now in Berkshire are excluded - they will be included in a future BHS volume on Berkshire breweries.

204 pages, black & white illustrations.

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